Review - Alex South

When I was looking for a tasty alternative to my sports drink hydration, I stumbled upon coconut water. I found a balance between my regular sports drink intake and coconut water and have found my concentration and physical strength has prolonged. After trying many brands of coconut water, I found JT's Coconut Essence and haven't looked back.

I elected to use Coconut Essence thanks to it's high potassium (certainly a lot more than any sports drink)- which I've struggled to maintain all my life. It by far has the best taste - clean, crisp and doesn't leave a gritty taste in my mouth, that others did. Coconut Essence's low calories also makes it an ideal drink for non-sporting days - also great to cook and make smoothies with!

There is nothing better than a cold can of JT's after sweating away on the water all day! Also, JT's coconut oil is a godsend for my eternally knotted hair and dry skin... Get into it!

- Alex South
Skipper of Skiff Chicks Racing Team
10 times National Champion, 12 times State Champion - Laser Radial